
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Technical Education Essay Example for Free

Technical Education Essay According to human needs, education can be divided into three parts: Social or political education: Spiritual Education; Vocational or Technical- Education. Education that teaches us how to live in a society is called social or political education. Education that develops our personality and character may be termed as Spiritual Education. Then, education that teaches us how to earn our living is named as Vocational Education. Technical education is a branch of Vocational Education. By Technical Education we mean education dealing with some practical or mechanical art. Technical education includes training in trade Commerce, carpentry, weaving, agriculture, medicine and engineering. Its aim is to provide instruction and training in skills that have a practical utility. It helps us to meet the needs of the Industrial Age. We are looking for ways to decrease the dropout rate. I am pretty sure, if we eliminate career and technical education, we are going to increase the dropout rate. (Michael Enzi) Technical Education is very important in the modern age.America, Britain, France, Russia and China are rich, prosperous and resourceful because of their progress in technical education. It produces engineers, Builders, doctors, and mechanics who are very useful in an industrial society. It is the only answer to the problems of our expanding economy. It produces doers and workers. These workers make real and important contribution to the welfare of society. We are able to increase the material resources†¢ of our country through Technical education. It promote the material prosperity and economic advancement. It has a great educational value also as it imparts dexterity quickness, attention to detail, habit of neatness and orders People begin to have faith ig the dignity of labour. We can save a lot of foreign exchange, if we have our own technical experts. In short, Technical Education makes a country Rich, prosperous, and Resourceful. But it has certain limitations also. Too much of technical education changes a man into machine, A man’s specialized knowledge makes him unfit for other jobs. So we should have an element of liberal education in Technical Education. Nowadays Education is Lacking on the technical side.0ur schools and colleges produce men who are fit only to be clerks. Our young men run after office job. They dislike work in factories and hate to learn practical skills this is why unemployment is So widespread in the country. Poverty is due to the neglect of technical education. Our country is rich in raw material resources. We cannot reap the advantages only because we are not equipped with any technical knowledge. In this respect we must take two steps. First, more and more technical institutions should be established. Secondly, the idea of â€Å"Dignity of Labour† should be popularized. We must always keep in mind that progress is possible only through Technical Education.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Confession, Exploration and Comfort in Upon the Burning of Our House by Anne Bradstreet :: Upon the Burning of Our House

Confession, Exploration and Comfort in Upon the Burning  of Our House      Ã‚   The theological concept of humankind’s inherent depravity created tension in the lives of seventeenth century New England Puritans.   The Puritans believed that humans were born sinful and remained in this condition throughout life.   This doctrine stressed self-discipline and introspection, through which the Puritan sought to determine whether particular spiritual strivings were genuine marks of true religiosity.   God preordained election to heaven, and some Puritans would be saved through the righteousness of Jesus Christ despite their sins.   There was no certainty in this life what eternal destiny awaited because the knowledge of who was elect was a divine mystery.   The experience of conversion, where the soul, touched by the Holy Spirit, is turned from sinfulness to holiness, was at least some indication of election.   Although full assurance might never be attained, the conviction of having been chosen by God fortified the Puritans to contend with the hardships of creating a community of Christ in the New World.   This fundamental knowledge of personal depravity, the essence of Puritan theology, created an atmosphere of constant introspection in a cyclical battle with worldly sin always ending with the acknowledged depravity.  Ã‚   The awareness of God’s preordained elect few did not inhibit the perseverance all Puritans applied to acknowledge depravity and to try and overcome sinfulness.   This concept of depravity as the cornerstone of Puritan faith became a central theme in Puritan writing. Poet Anne Bradstreet wrote about her life and how her trials ever urged her to continue her self-inspection in an effort to attempt to subdue the carnal desires of this world.   The Puritan dogma of introspection created a framework for literary confession in the poem â€Å"Upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666.†Ã‚   This framework freed Anne Bradstreet to fully explore her beliefs without direct challenge to authority; thus she both remains within and steps outside of traditional Puritan beliefs, ultimately allowing her to find solace and comfort in the promise of heavenly reward.   In the poem â€Å"Upon the Burning of Our House† Anne Bradstreet exemplifies the normal Puritan lifestyle of tension, although tempered with an allusion of hopefulness not usual in Puritan theology.   Opening with an image of sleep, the poem alerts the reader to what would be considered a moral lapse by Bradstreet, for she was not being ever watchful for sin. The notion of millenialism, to go through life as though the second coming of Christ was imminent, meant that a Puritan was always prepared for the judgement day.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Effects of Mass Media Essay

Media has slowly taken over each America’s life and has an incredible amount of power in the decision process of each American. On a daily basis each American listens to the radio, surfs the internet and watches television. For these same reasons, media possess a large amount influence on a decision made by an American. With all the tools and gadgets today, it is very easy to become influenced by the media. Over the past century there have been many new media developments that have impacted our society; although there have been many, the ones we will focus on are radio, television, and the internet. Radio began in the early nineteen hundreds and soon became very popular between every American. The radio was a mean of learning of news quickly and served the great purpose of entertainment. Also, in the early nineteen hundreds the word television was introduced and the first moving film was televised. This quickly grew and it began to broadcast in black and white. In the middle of the nineteen hundreds, the internet was first introduced to the American government and soon was used to provide efficient communication between government agencies. The radio, television and the internet were all created in the nineteen hundreds and as soon as they were available to the American public, they grew and developed into a large form of communication. In 1912 the radio became a common product found in each American home. Every year after, the radio grew in popularity. One of the biggest impacts to America was the use of the radio during the World War I. In the late nineteen-twenties the first easy to use kinescope tube was created but the image was very poor. In the early nineteen-thirties the first television studios and broadcasting begin to happen and it sky rocketed after that. It has grown so much into American lives that now every household has more than one television. Americans see television for entertainment, education and news purposes on a dai ly basis. In the early nineteen-ninety the first internet browser was created. The internet has impacted Americans in so many ways, to the point that it is now used more than once by every American and it is carried by most in their pockets. Without question, the media has grown tremendously and impacts each America’s life on a daily basis. Media convergences have been a huge facilitator. Media convergence is the way that one devise or tool combines different media types. One of the most common is the cell phones. In almost every phone you can take photos, videos, send text messages, view the internet, play music, check email and use it for its original designed function-to make a phone call. The next commonly used media convergence is the computer. The computer allows you to create different types of documents, presentations, monetary forms and it also allows you to browse the World Wide Web while listening to music and receiving emails. The newest media convergence is tablets. Tablets have the same function of a cell phone and a computer in a compact, lightweight, and portable device. For all the above reasons and with all of the named tools, it is very important to be properly educated about media. Learning how to access, analyze, and evaluate the media is very important when making an everyday decision because we either read something on the internet, watch the television show or hear a commercial on the radio. Not everything that we read, see or hear is accurate. In most cases, we are tricked into believing things by the bias show or commercial that we are watching or hearing. Due to false or head fakes found in the media all schools and educational institutes should provide some form of media literacy education just like math, reading and writing. This may seem a basic or common sense information, but many believe without questions what they see or hear. As the great nation that the United States is, it should properly educate its citizens about media literacy. The internet, television and radio have definitely impacted every American’s life. With the tools like a computer, cell phone or tablet it is very easy to be influenced by the media. Some of the influence coincides with each individuals beliefs and other will clash but this is something that has to be learned how to balance. In addition to personal emotion believes on a subject, a lot of the media will try to trick into believing false statements. It is every America’s duty to make sure that he or she has the proper media knowledge to be able to access it, analyze it and evaluate it before making a decision. References Lule, J. (2012). Exploring Media and Culture (1st ed.). San Francisco, CA: Flat World Knowledge, Inc. Besley, John C. (Summer 2008). Media Use and Human Values: Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly; ProQuest Zil, Karen. (Mar/Apr 2002). Media Literacy: Television meets the Internet; MultiMedia Schools