
Monday, September 30, 2019

World Reaction to European Expansion between 1700 and 1900

In the 18th century, there was an increased urge in Europe to venture abroad, to discover, explore lands that as yet remained unknown. Part of the need to go beyond the boundaries of Europe was rooted in the industrial revolution that had begun to take place at the time. Machines such as the steam engine were being built and this greatly facilitated transportation. There was also improved ocean going vessels which facilitated for the European explorers venturing further away from home.The creation of cotton mills meant that European nations had to look abroad more extensively so as to expand markets. The Industrial revolution and the response of the world In the 18th and 19th centuries, Europe was the world power to reckon with. The industrial revolution started in Great Britain and it was facilitated by several factors. One is that Britain had large deposits of coal and adequate supply of water that was needed to run the machines such as steam engines. Britain also had the plus of d eposits of iron ore that was needed to make this machinery and tools.She had an internal water system that facilitated the transportation of people and goods as well as a good ports and harbors that facilitated international trade. To cap it all up, she had a sound banking system which meant that projects could be financed and an established government that provided the foundation for a thriving business environment (Brown, 1991). There were several and diverse implications for industrialization and the European expansion, which, predates even the industrial revolution (Ringrose, 1998).The revolution was just a means to hasten European occupation of distant lands abroad. Even in the earlier centuries, Britain had made frays into Asia as she sought trade routes that would enable her to access the abundant riches of China’s silk. The Spaniards were at the same time trying to find their way into Latin America where they expediently eliminated the native Indians and replaced them with African slaves. This was Europe’s story, replicated by the French, Dutch and Portuguese in different parts of the world. For Africa, India and Australia, the European expansion meant colonization.While in earlier times European nations had had only a singular interest in Africa, that of being a ready source of slaves who were at the time considered a price commodity, industrialization brought a change because Africa was now seen as a source for raw materials needed in European factories as well as a ready market for the finished products. The Berlin conference of 1814 saw to the scramble and partition of Africa among European colonial powers with the largest shares going to the strongest, then Great Britain (Aldcroft & Rodger, 1984).Not only was Europe seen as the world’s centre for trade and commerce, but it was also perceived to be the intellectual headquarters of the civilized world. From the mid 18th century when the age of enlightenment had truly began to ta ke hold, there were physical as well as intellectual and moral revolutions going on concurrently. Philosophers and other great thinkers in all fields called for the denunciation of tenets that preciously had been taken for granted and without question, as they said that reason has to reign supreme.Institutions that had once upon a time been regarded as being beyond reproach such as the church and the nobility were all subjected to intense scrutiny that at times found them wanting. Here is where the seeds of activism first germinated. From this would later arise the spirits of capitalism, feminism, civil rights movements and calls to nationalism in which the whole world would follow suite (Brown, 1991). However there were negative ramifications from the European invasion that was so all-encompassing.The most obvious is that there was the creation of a class where the Europeans were cast in the light of being superior to the natives. The natives themselves had to be subdued and shown their rightful place. This often resulted in the native’s loss of freedom and inhumane treatments against him. The natives were often cast out of their own lands if the Europeans were interested in the natural resources that abounded there. The natives were then pushed into restricted marginalized areas where their movements could be monitored. They became prisoners within their own homelands (Ringrose, 1998).Another negative impact was the abolishment of existing political and legal systems that had been established by the natives to be replaced by the Europeans own which they felt was superior and hence much better. There was the intent destruction of cultural practices that had been in place for centuries because the Europeans had found them to be barbaric or uncivilized (Eltis, 1987). European expansion resulted in the colonization of several countries of the world that lasted for over a century or more, in some regions of the world (Aldcroft & Rodger, 1984).Of course the industrial revolution brought about better standards of living for all, but the way in which European nations tried to assert their influence by taking forceful control of the geographical regions of the world from which they felt they would most benefits with impunity, was more barbaric than the hedonistic tribal practices that they condemned so strongly. It is only because the European nations were much stronger than those they sought to conquer that they were able to get away with the actions that they carried out in the 19th century periods.However, just because they got away with it does not mean they do not deserve to be chastised for planting the seeds of economic and racial inequality whose ghosts still haunt our world to date. Conclusion There was an unprecedented rate of change that took place in the two hundred year span between the 18th and 20th centuries that had never before been seen in history. This change took on all the aspects of people’s lifestyles; from how they produced their food, how they got their work done, how they travelled and even how they perceived the world. Though this change had its roots in Europe, its impact was felt throughout the world.From the colonized states of Africa, Asia and Australia, to the great American shores, the influence of European nations was pervasive. Europe as a continent was a fore runner in shaping how the rest of the world would do its commerce, conduct their governments and affairs of state and even to some extent their religious inclinations. The shift in world powers might have placed control in different hands but the impact that Europe had in its heday, is one that is still being felt and seen, and will continue to be felt and seen for many generations yet.Cited works David Eltis, Economic growth and the ending of the transatlantic slave trade Oxford University Press US, 1987 David R. Ringrose, Spain, Europe, and the â€Å"Spanish miracle†, 1700-1900, Cambridge University Press, 19 98 Derek Howard Aldcroft & Richard Rodger, Bibliography of European economic and social history, Manchester University Press ND, 1984 Richard Brown, Society and Economy in Modern Britain 1700-1850 Routledge, New York 1991

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Working Poor in America

Working to be Poor in America A single mother of three works two jobs at minimum wage can survive only if she takes advantage of food stamps and lives with a roommate to help pays the bills. This is the case with most of the â€Å"working poor† in America. In 2006, a family of four with one minimum-wage earner had a total income (including food stamps and the Earned Income Tax Credit) of $18,950, some $1,550 below the poverty line. America is one of the richest countries in the world and yet according to the US Census Bureau, in 2010 21 million of its population lived in working-poor families.This translates into nearly 9. 6 percent of all American families living below 100 percent of poverty have at least one family member working. How can this be? Some people believe that the workers are to blame; they believe that it is the workers’ lack of ambition and drive to better themselves that causes them to be in such dire conditions. While this might be true in very few cas es, I don’t believe that it paints the entire picture as to why there could be a â€Å"working poor† class in America.Despite what society may think, the â€Å"working poor† exists because they are subjected to minimum wage, insufficient hours, layoffs, lack of skills, expensive health care and childcare, and inadequate housing. Society throws so many curve balls at low-wage workers that it has become very nearly impossible for them to transcend their situations. One common misconception is that the answer to poverty is to get a job. We assume that if someone is hungry, it is because they are unemployed and are living on the streets. The reality is that over 49 million Americans are affected by hunger.Does this mean that they all are jobless and homeless? As the article â€Å"25 million depend on emergency food assistance† reports, about one-third of the adults between the ages of 18 and 65 needing emergency food-aid are employed. Thirty-six percent of al l families seeking assistance reported that at least one family member was working. As Michelle Conlin and Aaron Bernstein explain, today more than 28 million people, about a quarter of the workforce between the ages of 18 and 64, earn less than $9. 04 an hour, which translates into a full-time salary of $18,800 a year—the income that marks the federal poverty line for a family of four. â€Å"The Working Poor Are Not Getting By in America†) The Census Bureau lists that overall 63% of U. S. families below the federal poverty line have one or more workers. How is it that such a large percentage of the U. S. population can be considered as poor or hungry? Is it that all these people lack ambition or is it society that places the burden of poverty on these workers? The primary and main reason for the rut the â€Å"working poor† find themselves in is the minimum wage. While profits and productivity soar in today’s economy, the minimum wage hasn’t kept p ace with inflation.Opponents of a raise in the minimum wage often make dire predictions about supposed adverse impacts on employment rates and the economy. But study after study shows that there is simply  no  evidence that raising the minimum wage has led to higher unemployment, and there is substantial evidence that a responsible minimum wage increase does not affect employment rates at all. According to the New York Times editorial Board, if the minimum wage had kept pace with the rise in executive salaries since 1990, America’s poorest paid workers would be making more than $23 an hour.In 1956, the federal minimum wage was a dollar an hour; that same dollar when adjusted for inflation would be $10. 55 an hour in today's dollars, instead today the actual federal wage is $7. 25 and for tipped workers a dismal $2. 13. This amounts to about $1. 50 an hour less, in today’s money, than it did in 1968. In â€Å"Raising the minimum wage will reduce poverty† it s tates that even with a $7. 25-an-hour minimum wage, a family of five with a full-time, minimum-wage earner that receives food stamps and the refundable tax credits would fall $1,139 below the poverty line in 2009.In the past 30 years, Congress has passed legislation to increase the minimum wage exactly 3 times. With politicians and employers fighting furiously to keep this minimum wage down, low-wage workers are forced to work two, sometimes even three jobs in addition to depending on government handouts in order to barely get by. While their income is kept at a minimum, their expenses continue to soar: health care, child care, gas prices, housing, the list goes on. The cost of living has been constantly rising for years while the minimum wage lags behind. The number of people who lack health insurance is about 49. million. In 2010, the percentage of people who had health insurance through their employers fell to 55. 3% while 31% of Americans relied on the government for health insu rance. (Les Christie) However, while most children in families with a full-time minimum-wage worker are eligible for free or low-cost health insurance through Medicaid or the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, their parents are not. In fact, according to the Census data, in 25 states a parent in a three-person family with a full-time, minimum-wage job earns too much to qualify for Medicaid.As a result, about 41 percent of all parents with incomes below the poverty line were uninsured in 2005. In addition to this, many working poor families face significant childcare costs. According to the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies, in the median state in the 2004-2005 academic year, full-time infant care in a licensed child care center cost an average of $7,100 per year, while full-time care for preschoolers in a licensed child care center cost an average of $5,800.Without a child care subsidy, a family earning at or near the minimum wage is un likely to be able to afford such a tuition bill for one child, let alone two or more children. Housing cost burdens for poor families are often severe. Expenditures on public housing have fallen since the 1980s, and expansion of public rental subsidies came to a halt in the mid-1990s. Actual rents have to be less than 30% of one’s income to be considered ‘affordable’. Ehrenreich 201) Housing analyst Peter Dreier reports that 59% of poor renters, amounting to a total of 4. 4 million households, spend more than 50% of their income on shelter. (38) Nationwide, the average cost of a modest two-bedroom apartment in 2006 was $821 per month, or $9,852 per year, according to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). At this cost, rent and utilities consume nearly half (48 percent) of the income of a family of four at the poverty line. This calculation assumes that the family receives food stamps, the EITC and child tax credit. ) Rising rents are forcin g the low-wage workers into motels with fluctuating prices for the winter season and tourist seasons. By relying on the minimum wage, basic necessities such as health care and home-ownership have now become a luxury to the â€Å"working poor† – a distant dream that can never be realized. We would assume that there is adequate support for the â€Å"working poor† through government handouts, but even this system is flawed.Throughout the nation soup kitchens and food pantries are stretched beyond capacity, struggling and failing to meet new need, much of it from working people whose wages simply haven't kept up. Barbara Ehrenreich in her book Nickled and Dimed reveals through her own experience as a low-wage employee just how difficult it is to receive help from the government and charity organizations and how limited these options are. You would need to dedicate a significant amount of your time and energy to locate these options and even when you do manage to get in touch with the â€Å"right person† the help received can be useless.As a low-wage worker, where every hour of your time is money spent, devoting this amount of time to looking for government aid is a luxury as well. Therefore, they are prevented from receiving the little assistance available to them. Most of the time, they do not even qualify for welfare because of the low-wage paying job that they have, even though they desperately need the assistance. Therefore, who or what do we blame for the devastating conditions of the â€Å"working poor† in our society?If there was a clear cut answer to this question, then maybe this question would never need to be asked. We would just point a finger and work on getting the problem fixed. Society strips the â€Å"working poor† of their dignity, self-worth, self-respect and pride and leaves them naked to suffer these physically demanding, dead-end jobs where they are paid next to nothing and in the end, still condemned because they are thought of as lazy parasites that put a strain on society through their addictions and their insistence on reproducing in unfavorable circumstances.Society is quick to judge these individuals and disapprove of their actions when in reality it is society’s fault that these people must depend on such things as welfare in order to minimally survive. According to Furman and Parrot in â€Å"Raising the minimum wage will reduce poverty†, raising the minimum wage would be an important first step and a useful complement to public policies like the EITC, food stamps, and child care subsidies, which provide additional benefits and supports for low-income working families.They believe that a broader agenda is needed, however, to raise the prospects of low-wage workers and their families more significantly. Such an agenda would need to include additional income supports, help in obtaining the health care, child care, and housing that these families need but often cannot afford, and new opportunities to attend college or upgrade their skills so they can secure higher paying, more stable jobs. Works Cited â€Å"25 million depend on emergency food assistance. † Policy & Practice June 2006: 7.Academic OneFile. Web. 22 June 2012. Bureau of Labor Statistics. United States Department of Labor. May 2012. Web. 21 June 2012. Christie, Les. â€Å"Number of people without health insurance climbs. † CNN Money. Cable News Network 2012. Web. 21 June 2012. Conlin, Michelle, and Aaron Bernstein. â€Å"The Working Poor Are Not Getting By in America. † Poverty. Ed. Viqi Wagner. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2007. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Working †¦ And Poor. † Business Week (31 May 2004). Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 0 June 2012. Dreier, Peter. Why America’s Workers Can’t Pay the Rent. Dissent 47 (3). Summer 2000. Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. New Yor k: Henry Holt and Co, 2001. Print. Furman, Jason, and Sharon Parrot. â€Å"Raising the Minimum Wage Will Reduce Poverty. † Poverty. Ed. Viqi Wagner. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2007. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"A $7. 25 Minimum Wage Would Be a Useful Step in Helping Working Families Escape Poverty. † www. cbpp. org. 2007. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context.Web. 22 June 2012. Jeff Chapman. â€Å"Employment and the Minimum Wage: Evidence from Recent State Labor Trends,† Economic Policy Institute, 2004. And in one of the most compelling studies, David Card and Alan B. Krueger find that the 1992 New Jersey state minimum wage increase had no negative effect on employment in New Jersey’s fast-food industry. David Card and Alan Krueger, â€Å"Minimum Wages and Employment: A case study of the fast-food industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania,† American Economic Review, vol. 4 (4), 772-793, 2004. Pimpare, Stephen. â€Å"Welfare Reform Has Increase d Poverty. † Poverty and Homelessness. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Current Controversies. Rpt. from â€Å"Why Welfare Reform Has Failed. † ZNet. 2004. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 June 2012. RaisetheMinimumWage. com. National Employment Law Project. June 2012. Web. 21 June 21 2012. Rhoda Cohen, J. , Mabli, F. , Potter, Z. , Zhao. Hunger In America 2010. Feeding America. February 2010.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Technical Proposal for an Architectual Small ompany Essay

Technical Proposal for an Architectual Small ompany - Essay Example ers of the small architectural company, it should establish certain technological IT solutions along with both hardware and software equipments to communicate with them working in the offsite. The company would entail these particular requirements in order to establish communication facilities with the architects and the architectural engineers for the sake of maintaining a smooth flow of business operations. An efficient flow of information through proper communication channels plays a crucial part in any business organisation. It makes easier to convey any sort of messages, helps to get the work done more efficiently developing a particular idea to be made aware for the participants. Moreover, a perfect as well as an adequate communication often leads toward avoiding any misunderstandings, raises the efficiency of the organisation and ultimately enhances the satisfaction of the workforce (Singla, 2009). After acquiring a brief idea regarding the importance of communication in busin ess organisations, this plan will chiefly be based upon the requirement of the communication facilities between the staffs and the senior officials of the small architectural company. In order to fulfil the requirement of the communication facilities, the small architectural company would have to purchase a few number of desktop computers accompanied with latest operating and software application programs. In addition, apart from these basic equipment requirements, the company also requires a medium of internet for emailing so that it would be convenient to create an efficient communicating network in the workforce, especially with the architects and the architectural engineers of the company working offsite. Contextually, in order to communicate with the engineers as well as the... After purchasing the desktop computers and installation of the software application programs, the architectural company should make proper use of the software programs to access different information regarding the staffs and the company’s performances. The user who would access the software application programs should also possess a detailed knowledge about the software application program. The inadequate execution and lack of knowledge amid the workforce regarding the software application programs might also lead the company to face a vulnerable situation. In this connection, the user should possess a deeper knowledge regarding the use of internet which can facilitate effective communication between the architects and the architectural engineers along with other staffs of the organisation. It is in this context that the proposed plan for the small architectural company would facilitate its communication procedure with the architects and the architectural engineers and will al so contribute in forming a strong base of computing technicalities.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Government Public meeting about urban planing Essay - 1

Government Public meeting about urban planing - Essay Example They keenly followed the meeting and sought clarifications on some points. The meeting mainly focused on urban planning and the relevant steps the government had taken to achieve them. The meeting resolved to approve the utilization of the one-year State of Arizona contract with various companies such as Teknion Facilitec Inc., Corporate Interior and Systems Inc. among others. The decision aimed at benefiting the upgrading of the various departments in the city. The council approved the utilization for purchase of furniture products and services for different offices. In addition, the planned total expenditure to facilitate this process was quoted to be $555000 during the one-year period. An estimate of $300 of the total sum would be set aside for water/wastewater Capital Improvement Project Fund. The amount would be used for solving the water and sewerage issues in the city. That amount also funded the replacement of worn out environmental laboratory furniture. Consequently, the total budget was allocated for the expenses planned. Furthermore, the meeting approved renewal of the contract with AP Fire Station, LLC. This would ensure inspection, servicing, repairing, and upgrading all alarms and fire extinguishers in the city. This move by the council attempts to increase protection of citizens against fire and fire-related problems. Similarly, the repairing and servicing of fire alarms ensures victims of fire accidents seek instant help. Through this project, the council expects least number of fire problems in the city. The total cost of this project is estimated at $ 85000 during a year period. The council had allocated enough funds for this project prior to its approval. Moreover, according to the meeting, the committee plans to make significant repairs and improve the transport sector. Through the adoption of the one-year contract with Fabiani Painting and Decorating, Inc., the council aims

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Respond to classmates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Respond to classmates - Essay Example There are various innovations that appease the audience for the benefit of the production crew. According to the various comments in the blog, historical inaccuracies can pose a threat or be harmless to understanding the past historical events. According to Champions comment, the inaccuracies depicted in a film helps an individual research deeper to know the exact historical facts. It is true that a majority of audiences are less concerned about the historical inaccuracies in movies and are too busy to recognize them. I believe inaccuracies in the ‘Titanic’ movie posed a threat to history comprehension. I disagree with Williams and Elliot. The two lovers, Jack Dawson and Rose Bukater, were not there in the original RMS passenger ship. This was an ideology brought to spice up the film. From the various comments in the blog, history shapes the present views of individuals. Though Champion asserts that understanding the present depends on how an individual will synthesize the historical information depicted in the film, historical inaccuracies hurt comprehension of the present. According to Williams, historical inaccuracies make a point about America and Americans. Films motivate groups and portray the general prevailing events in the world. Historical facts in films show comparisons between two historical times. The traits portrayed in a historically accurate film will immensely help in shaping the present day characters of people. For example, Williams asserts that most of the films produced during the period before mid 1900’s portrayed Americans as Hardworking and enduring people. Misrepresentation of this in a film will affect the way people will portray and see the present day America. As I read through the comments in the blog, I realized that I had not thought that historical inaccuracies can help in building comprehension of historical

Suicide In Mental Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Suicide In Mental Health - Essay Example The paper is issued by the UK Parliament as Command Paper, Cm 4386. The site provides access to the full-text of the report". (Intute:Social Sciences,2006). The objective is to improve the health of everyone and the health of the worst off in particular. The program emphasizes on the fact that good health is inherent need of all, but many people spend most of their lives ill or die young from preventable diseases, this need should be effectively addressed with good support and the first comprehensive Government plan focused on the main killers: cancer, coronary heart disease and stroke, accidents, mental illness. They emphasize on the tougher but attainable targets. The objective is to reduce the death rate in people under 75 suffering from cancer by at least a fifth. The focus is to reduce the death rate in people under 75, suffering from coronary heart disease by at least two fifths. The death rates caused by accidents by at least a fifth and serious injuries caused by accidents by at least tenth. In the sensitive area of mental illness, to reduce the death rate from suicide and undetermined injury by at least a fifth. If these targets are achieved there is opportunity to save lives by preventing up to 300,000 untimely and unneces sary deaths. To achieve this target the government is putting in more money: twenty one billion pounds for the NHS alone to secure a healthier population. The focus is also to raise awareness first by tackling smoking as the single biggest preventable cause of poor health. The aim is to integrate Government, and local government work to improve health, stressing health improvement as a key role for the NHS. The emphasis is on high health standards for all, not just privileged few. can make a difference. We want to see a new balance in which people, communities and Government work together in partnership to improve health. "Our drive for better health is in line with a background of real improvement in health: people live longer and healthier lives life expectancy is now 80 for women and 75 for men many infectious diseases of the past - such as cholera, diphtheria and polio - have been brought under control death in childbirth is now rare. But new problems arise, including AIDS and v ariant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease". (Saving Lives: Our Healthier Nation,1999). People can improve their own health, through physical activity, better diet and quitting smoking. Communities can tackle poor health, which springs too from a range of wider, community factors - including poverty, low wages, unemployment, poor education, sub-standard housing, crime and disorder and a polluted environment. (Saving Lives: Our Healthier Nation,1999) Health inequality is widespread: the most disadvantaged have suffered most from poor health. The Government is addressing inequality with a range of initiatives on education, welfare-to-work, housing, neighborhoods, transport and the environment which will help improve health. As well as taking action on our key targets, we are also tackling other important health issues like sexual health, drugs, alcohol, food safety, water fluoridation and communicable diseases - to put our new approach into practice. We want to see healthier people in a healthi er country. People improving their own health supported by communities working through local organizations against a backdrop of action by the Government. We want to see everyone take the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Family business organizational change Personal Statement

Family business organizational change - Personal Statement Example With this kind of situation, it appears that I will not need to conduct a thorough negation with Acico's top management but only a discussion with my father and sister. However, I am sure that my father will approve of my proposal since he has always been supportive with the strategies that we want to implement in the business organization. My sister has also taken this same course and I believe that she will also be more than willing to implement the transformation that is needed. However, as the organizational strategy that I would like to put in place focuses on the empowerment and motivation of the entire human resource, I believe that this effort should be commenced by consulting the other top executives about their position in the structural change. In this way, they will really feel my commitment of empowering and motivating them to excel in their positions. I have realized that it is imperative to first communicate the issues of change to the other executives in Acico, making sure that they understand it and embrace it. I am aware that some of them may be hesitant in implementing the necessary changes. Since the present organizational structure and system has worked for Acico for the past ten years, they might question the efficiency of the new system. Also, some of them may not want to alter the status quo with the fear that things will just turn out more complicated. In order to convince them, I realize the importance of preparing answers to their questions and skepticism. I will deal with these executive with the level of professionalism and expertise required of a top manager. My explanation will focus on the different concepts and case studies I have learned in this course, together with various real world experience of companies who also embraced this change. I will let them see that the change will be for the benefit of all the stakeholders of Acico in the long run including them. In the long run, these changes will become the foundation of the company's operation enabling our successors to run the business organization efficiently, create the shareholder value, and ensure the satisfaction of the customers. I will let them see that the workforce is one of the most important resources of the company as they are our strategic partners. Thus, they should also be aligned strategically in order to attain our organizational goals. I know that I will also be dealing with the mindset of some of the people in the organization. Being relatively less experienced than most of the company's executives, some of them may think that my sister and I are just young ladies equipped with MBA degrees, and thinking that we know it all, we implement changes within Acico. I believe that this misconception also needs to be changed. Through words and actions, it is my aim to communicate to the top management that we are implementing changes not because we want to prove ourselves but to improve the situation of everyone in the business organization. With the changes that I want to implement, Acico will be in a win-win situation where all of the employees are more productive because they are

Monday, September 23, 2019

Stock Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Stock Research - Assignment Example The line chart provided below supports the findings of the data. The line chart shows that FTSE 100 showed almost regular trend while the stocks of BT Group plc showed high range of volatility. The volatility of the stocks of BT Group plc were especially high during the months of February. March and May 2014. This was due to the fact that during February, 2014 , BT Group plc had a slow pace of business activities as their work of setting up phone fixed lines were hampered and pushed back up to a month due to heavy rainfall and floods in certain areas of UK. it can be seen that the company has given for two times and the valuation of dividend as per DDM model under CAPM is 9.90 per share. BT Group plc is a company which falls in the Communications sector of industry. It extends its services to not only United kingdom but also other 170 countries across the world. It provides services such as fixed line calling, broadband, television products and even has launched itself into information technology services (networked). The main customers of the company are various multinational corporations, private domestic businesses, and various national and local governments. It presently has a market capital of around  £ 31.04 and its head quarters is situated in London.( Hargreves Lansdown, 2014) Since the analysis has not mentioned any stipulated time frame hence we consider one year as the time period of speculation. The financial year that has been selected for the analysis is financial year 2013-14. The data tables provided below shows the Risk adjusted returns of BT Group plc and FTSE 100 for the past one year 2013-14 and its comparison (Yahoo finance, 2014) It is seen that mostly BT Group plc has positive returns in comparison to the market except during three instances on the dates 3rd February 2014, 3rd March 2014 and 1st May 2014. The line chart provided below supports the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The soiling of old glory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The soiling of old glory - Essay Example At that time Attackers and victims seems quiet. April 5, Monday morning when students of South Boston and Charles town boycott of classes to participate in the rally against busing at City Hall Plaza and the Federal Building because from June 1974 Boston had deliberately maintained segregated schools, first step to raise a conflicts between Black and white people/students. The US District Judge and his companions ordered a program of busing which promotes more and more desegregation, boycotts in all over the city which disturbs the normal Life and violence had vexed the schools and city because of this the studies of students totally disturbed. Two hundred white students combined for the march to City Hall Plaza. Some students don’t know the reason of rally but they attended the rally for any reason and basically no reason of this rally. This rally just propagates the air of race and class. White students hated blacks they followed their parents; students enjoyed days off from school, students having immature minds just need a reason to hang out with their friends. This movement of anti-busing portrays that people filled with patriotism and defend their liberty against this cruelness of a judge. Southside people belongs to South Boston also participate in this anti-busing movement and a spokesman James Kelly the leader represents the South Boston and he is also the president of South Boston Information center. Kelly is an educated person and got his graduation degree in 1958 from South Boston High School and he had a keen interest in games he played a football. He was a sheet metal worker and belongs to a very poor family; he learned trade from his job experience and raising his family in South Boston. Kelly was a child labor he didn’t earn much money he said â€Å"We were renters all our lives. I understand what it’s like to live week to week†. (JAMES KELLY) Kelly becomes economically unstable in 1967. He also spent his time in jail because of his drinking problem Kelly words about him is that â€Å"I am not a very nice guy to my family†. Kelly stopped drinking and his last drink on March 24, 1971. In 1973 Kelly get injured during his job sheet of metal slide injured his right hand and he get compensation from his company. During these holidays the busing crisis starts so he takes interest in this movement. Kelly and City Council president Louise Day Hicks gets active and take action against the desegregation orders of Boston School Committee in 1960s because they were their neighbors and friends so Kelly had not much interest in politics but due to these issues he get involved in politics. He always support and helped the people in their efforts because he wants to defend his community against this busing issue and charges of racism Kelly became active and organized a committee in early September 1974 through South Boston Information Center and work on inaccurate press reports about opposing to busing in aspect of all these segregated issues Kelly organized the protest on April 5. So the relationship of class and race introduced the character Kelly from South Boston. Kelly invites a people, students to protest against and opposed to busing. Kelly wants to end these busing orders, wanted to accurate reporting of racial incidents and he supports the people who want that superintendent to resign. Hicks who support Kelly and these protestors help them when students, marchers arrived at City Hall.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Equipment & Systems Engineering Essay Example for Free

Equipment Systems Engineering Essay Product overview CATIA Plant Layout 1 (PLO) enables organizations to optimize their manufacturing plant layout. This product is one piece of Dassaults integrated Digital Manufacturing Solutions. It deals specifically with the spatial organization and components of the plant, allowing quick easy layout and downstream evolution of the layout design. Through the CATIA V5 integrated product environment, users have a seamless solution to address all their manufacturing environment needs. They have the tools necessary to optimize production facility layout, leading to optimized factory production and output. CATIA Plant Layout 1 (PLO) provides an accessible solution for departments of small and medium enterprises. Its friendliness, intuitiveness, and ease of use makes it possible for inexperienced users to use the system with a minimal cost of implementation. The complete layout of the facility can be driven almost completely with the mouse and the product has a user interface that helps users make the transition from traditional 2D layout to 3D. With the intelligence behind the V5 Plant Layout model, plant designers and systems layout design teams can identify and solve problems with the layout or production process long before equipment is installed or moved inside the plant. The software enables users to not only complete designs faster, but also to significantly improve the quality of their designs. Today, every manufacturing company is looking for new methods to reduce the time it takes to ramp-up, reduce the number of problems on the production floor including downtime, and get products to market faster. Dassaults Digital Manufacturing Solutions, which include the CATIA Plant Layout 1 (PLO) product line, assist companies in achieving these objectives. CATIA Plant Layout 1 (PLO) , together with Dassault Data Management offerings, gives users the power to manage their plant layouts and associated components from initial design to plant operations, in a way that is easily adapted to how the customer works. Product Highlights Includes an optimized user interface for easy maneuverability and layout design iteration Provides an easy tool to define pathway route for preliminary space claim. Provides optimized tools for quick and easy layout of complex configurations.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Study of the Structural Functional Paradigm

Study of the Structural Functional Paradigm The structural-functional paradigm is a framework for the structure of society. The structural-functional approach tells that all parts in the society works together in order to form a harmonious, sensible and stable society. This approach sees the society as a macro-level orientation. Each and every component is interrelated and it is concerns with broad patterns that shape society as a whole. The larger social institutions of the society such as population, education, economy, government play very important roles on shaping our lives. The family is considered as the most favourable body composition of the social organization because family is the most elementary and closest social structure which every individual attached to. For example, assume that if the students are not present, the teachers would not exist as well. Because there is an interrelated relationship between the students and teachers which represents that the society is a complex system where parts coordinate togethe r to balance and stabilize the civilization. Auguste Comte, the Father of Sociology said that it is very important to keep the society together because many traditions were weakened due to the rapid change of the humanity. Herbert Spencer linked the society to the human body. For example, a society is composed by a large number of individuals as a complete functional group.  In human body, many cells and tissues form the organs of the organism, such as hands, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, etc. Various organs of the organism have its unique features to meet the needs of the organism and to maintain its survival.  Similarly, various social structures have its unique features to meet the needs of the community and provide a stable and balance society.   Case Study of Structural-Functional Paradigm The social structures of marriage and family create deep social and emotional bonds that give individuals in depth systems of support and generate expectations of  social responsibility  within their members, achieving the function of creating social cohesion. Basically, spouses support each other financially, socially, emotionally and physically and are driven to achieve by socially defined expected standards of married life. Families provide the same systems of support for all of their family members, providing healthy settings and opportunities for individual growth for the children.   The structural functionalism perspective sees the family doing its part by preparing its members in a way that will benefit the society. The family is like a body or system and each member performs vitally important functions. Similarly, the heart is dependent on the lungs and brain for the body to function properly. If one part or a person is not doing its or his/her part then it is said to be dysfunctional. The family is said to be not functioning as a whole and something is wrong with that family. Social-Conflict Paradigm The social-conflict paradigm is also a macro-oriented paradigm. The social-conflict paradigm is one of the ideas of Karl Marx. He believes that social-conflict is unavoidable. It is the driving force to improve and progress to a better society.  Human beings compete with each other to acquire the maximum benefits. The social-conflict theory opposes with the structural-functional theory where the social components work together to stabilize the society. A person who poses powers and resources tend to oppress other groups which are lower social class and this resulting in social-conflict. One will also be able to force others to accept his/her views if they have the authority.   Social-conflict not only happens between different classes, it can also occur in various religious, ethnics, cultural, etc. The demand of human beings is endless, when the most basic desires are met, new needs will then emerge. For example, pacers want to have a bike; bicyclists want to have a motorbike; mo torcyclists plan to buy a car  The needs and desires of humans are endless caused humans have to work hard every day to fulfil their desires. However, this phenomenon eventually leads to a progressive society because everyone strives to achieve their needs. Case Study of Social-Conflict Paradigm A conflict theorist might ask, Who benefits from the current higher educational system? The answer, for a conflict theorist attuned to unequal distributions of wealth, is the wealthy. The educational system often screens out poorer individuals, not because they are unable to compete academically, but because they cannot afford to pay for their education. Because the poor are unable to obtain higher education, they are generally also unable to get higher paying jobs, thus they remain poor. The functionalist might say that the function of education is to educate the employees, a conflict theorist might point out that it also has an element of conflict and inequality, favouring one group (the wealthy) over other groups (the poor). Thinking about education in this way helps illustrate why both functionalist and conflict theories are helpful in understanding how society works. Symbolic-interaction Paradigm Symbolic-interaction theory focuses on the study of the relationship between the individual and others. It is a micro-level orientation which emphasizes the social interactions between the individuals in some specific situations. As people interact with each other, a persons self-awareness is the result of the judgement from the surrounding people. The symbolic-interaction theory advocate humans have their own self, and because of this self people play a role of others, and they gain the ability to look at themselves through the eyes of others.  If one does not have the ability to interact with the people and society, the social stability cannot be maintained.  Because of the shared reality that human created, the human social interaction can be stable, expand and maintained. George Herbert Mead says that symbolic-interaction has three characteristics: It has an explanation on the behaviour of others; there is a definite process, which means one is ready to tell others when they do something; have a prediction on others reaction, which is able to predict what they do will cause what responses from others. This depends on the interaction between two individuals have a shared meaning of the symbol system.  Mead sees society as an organized interaction between different individuals, this interactive form of organization depends on the role of the spirit, but also to establish an internal communication process on the basis of the use of meaningful symbols. Case Study of Symbolic-Interaction Paradigm Consider applying symbolic interactionism to the marriage. The things such as, commitments between spouses, a white bridal dress, a wedding cake, a wedding ceremony, a wedding band and flowers are the symbols of marriage. People relate some general meanings to these symbols. For certain individuals, they maintain their own perceptions of what meaning are these symbols carrying. For instance, one of the spouses may see their wedding rings as a symbol of endless love while the other may just see them as a simple financial expense. Much faulty communication can result from the perceptions of different people on the same events and symbols. Besides, the people choose to marry symbolizes that human beings need a companion for their life. It symbolizes that every individual needs financially, socially, emotionally and physically supports to lead a balanced and steady lifetime.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Physics of Basketball Essay examples -- Athletics Sports Essays

The Physics of Basketball The NBA playoffs are making the headlines all over. Every news channel, sports channel, and newspaper has a story about the big games. Everyone is making bets as to who will be the big champions. Will it be the defending champions, Los Angeles Lakers, or will it possibly be one of the underdogs. This is the most intensive time of year for basketball fans as they watch the teams battle out the game. Up and down the court, the turnovers, rebounds, fast breaks, and most of all the baskets make the games exciting. But have you ever wondered how these things happen? What enables the basketball to bounce, how does Kobe Bryant fly through the air, and why does the ball rotate backwards as it leaves a shooter’s hand and approaches the basket? These are all interesting questions and believe it or not they can all be answered with a discussion on physics. Whenever you watch a basketball game you are watching the â€Å"application of physics. It is very much at work in the game of basketball† (Hawkins). One of the key pieces of equipment in the game is the basketball itself. The ability of the ball to bounce is entirely explained by physics. The law of conservation of energy says that the total energy of an isolated system does not change (Kirkpatrick, 131). When the ball comes in contact with the floor an elastic collision occurs in which the kinetic energy of the system is conserved. Two things determine the elasticity: the air pressure in the ball and the surface it is colliding with. The more pressure in the ball, the better the bounce and the greater elasticity. The energy will be stored in the compressed air inside the ball creating a greater bounce. â€Å"Air stores and returns energy more efficiently than ... ... air, just remember that it takes the same amount of time for him to reach the basket as it does for him to fall. You may also want to notice how the ball spins as well as how it bounces. As you are watching the playoffs this year keep in mind that the application of physics is very much at work in the game of basketball. Bibliography Hawkins, Bethany. Physics of Basketball. â€Å"Intro to Basketball and Physics.† http://www.kent.wednet.edu/staff/trobins/physicspages/PhysOf1998. 25 March 2003. Kirkpatrick, Larry D., Wheeler, Gerald F. Physics A World View. Fourth edition, Harcourt College Publishers. Orlando, Florida. 2001. Willis, Bill. The Physics of Basketball. http://www.geocities.com/thesciencefiles/physicsof/basketball.html. 13 March 2003. Brancazio, Peter J. Physics of Sports. â€Å"Physics of Basketball. Department of Physics. Brooklyn, New York. 1981.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Bless Me Ultima: The Growing Up Of A Young Boy Essay -- Bless Ultima E

Bless me Ultima: The Growing up of a Young Boy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the book Bless me Ultima, Tony, the young main character in the story, lost his innocence when exposed to the harsh world since he learned what life is really like. Ultima is a good witch who tries to guide Tony by teaching him morals and lessons. Narsico is percieved as the town drunk, but is a good person. Tenorio is the demon in this story, as he wants to destroy Ultima. This book is about Tony's experience in adjusting to the rough world at a relatively young age.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Narsico's death with Tenorio's desire to kill Tony made him realize his limitations and acknowledge the reality. Before these incidents, Tony imagined he could control incidents that happened in real life. He thought he could effect events in life in a posotive way. After these events and experiences with people, Tony realizes that good people get bad things. When Tony was playing a game with his peers in which he was the priest, he forgave his freind, Florence, for his sins, even though he stood up to all his peers to do so. When Tony ran 10 miles home to warn Ultima, a kind whitch about Tenorio, whose desire is to destroy her spirit, he realized he or Ultima could both be exterminated. During the run, Tony thought of the future, which he hardly thought of before this event. Almost every child Tony's age was preoccupied with activities, such as playing and horsing around, and certainly not thinking what the future could...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Traffic Monitoring Camera Systems Essay -- electronic monitoring devic

Abstract With the significant increase of traffic monitoring camera systems, the debate on their safety, effectiveness and Constitutionality has increased. The purpose of this research is to present arguments from each side of the issue and then compare statistics on the subject in order to make a determination of whether these systems are more beneficial or detrimental to public safety, and whether public interest or financial gain is the core component in the implementation of the camera systems. Over the past decade, American citizens have seen an increasingly common sight: the onslaught of electronic monitoring devices being placed at traffic lights and intersections with the sole purpose of recording driver behavior to issue citations; all in the name of safety (Federal Highway Administration Safety, n.d.). The proliferation of these traffic safety cameras, which has spread in unprecedented numbers to ever-smaller towns ("Smile, you’re on camera", 2009), is undoubtedly controversial, and has sparked much debate between citizens, legislatures, police departments, federal agencies, and civil rights groups (Burnett, 1998). Besides the debate on whether or not the cameras, and the citations that are issued to the registered vehicle owner based upon the recorded information, are constitutional, (or whether they simply constitute an Orwellian invasion of privacy), the widely-accepted premise that the cameras decrease the severity of and/or prevent automobile accidents is also intensely contested. Advocates for the implementation of red light and speed cameras are adamant that the use of such devices deters traffic violations and decreases accidents (City of Johnson City, TN, n.d.). Research supports these claims ... ...guson, S. A., & Farmer, C. M. (2007). Reducing red light running through longer yellow signal timing and red light camera enforcement: Results of a field investigation. Retrieved from http://www.stopredlightrunning.com Ruby, D. E., & Hobeika, A. G. (2003, Summer). Assessment of red light running cameras in Fairfax County, Virginia. Transportation Quarterly, 57(3), 33-48. Shifflett, G., & Owen, J. (2008, September 22). Red light cameras in the Volunteer State: Unsafe, unconstitutional, and unnecessary (Tennessee Center for Policy Research Policy Brief 04-08). Retrieved from The Newspaper: www.thenewspaper.com Smile, you’re on camera. (2009, November). State Legislatures, 35(2), 11. Retrieved from http://find.galegroup.com.ezproxy.etsu.edu: The red-light camera never lies. (2009, November 13). The Hotline. Retrieved from http://find.galegroup.com.ezproxy.etsu.edu.

Research Paper on Smoking Essay

Recently there has been an abundance of media coverage regarding a public’s â€Å"war of smoking.† Recently, Washington state has begun taking vital steps to prohibit smoking in public areas in order to make Washington a better place. There are many arguments about the smoking. The health issues for the smoker and those around them increase the prices and the social unaccepted of the act. Smoking is dangerous for smoker and for the one who is around the smoker. Firstly, smoking is dangerous for smoker, when smokers are smoking, will take lung cancer. The most common form of cancer diagnosed in United States is lung cancer. Lung cancer accounts for 14% out of all cancers, and 28% out of all cancer deaths. (ALA Lung cancer Fact Sheet) According to the American Lung Association, â€Å"Cigarette smoking is responsible for an estimated 87% of lung cancer deaths, or seven out of eight† (American Lung Association). Cigarette contains more than 400toxic and 4000 chemical compounds. Nicotine is the most addictive substance in tobacco. Smoking decreases the level of oxygen from reaching the tissues, giving rise to different health problems such as strokes, heart attacks or miscarriages. Nicotine is increases cholesterol levels in the body and carbon monoxide, which decreases the amount of oxygen within the body. When cholesterol level is increase in blood, increases the chance that a heart attack. Smoking also caused of chronic coughing, short ness of breath, premature aging, recurrent infections and reduced overall fitness (Diseases Caused by Smoking). Yang2 Another example of health issues originated from smoking is emphysema. The Lung Association states that when one has emphysema, some of the air sacs in smoker’s lungs are damaged (The Lung Association). Emphysema does not develop suddenly, it comes very slowly. Years of exposure to cigarettes causes the development of emphysema. Secondly, smoking is also dangerous for non-smokers. Lung cancer is not only a trouble for the smoker, but it is also a trouble for the non-smokers. The indirect effect of smoking comes from two places; smokers breathe out from the other person smoking, and smoke from the end of a burning cigarette  (American Lung Association). The American Lung Association said, â€Å"Indirect smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals; 200 are poisons and 43 cause of cancer.†(The American Lung Association) When non-smokers are stay nearby smoker, they will get some harmful effects. Kinds of cough, nausea, headache, eye irritation, sore throat, dizziness even cancer. Workplaces alone could stop over 32,000 cancer deaths and over 75,000 heart disease deaths. According to the government, 83% of worker health complaints related to trouble with indoor air quality will decrease when workplaces become smoke-free. Constant exposure to tobacco smoke in the workplace nearly doubles the risk of having a hea rt attack. Thirdly, prices of cigarettes have been going through a dramatic increase recently. The government thinks that the increase of price will protect or even get people to quit smoking (Higher Cigarette taxes). According to several studies the increase of cigarette taxes is one of the most effective ways to decrease smoking among teenager and adults (Tobacco Free Kids). These studies show that every 10% increase in the price of cigarettes will decrease total cigarette consumption by three to five percent and decrease teenager smoking by about 7% (Tobacco free Kids). If cigarette prices were increased 10% per pack throughout the country, it would decrease the number of teenagers who become regular smokers by more than a million, saving teenager from dependence, disease and death. Studies also show that people with low income are ones that respond to the increase of prices and end up quit smoking. It is proven that smoking levels are highest among people with low incomes. Lastly, former day, people could hardly find any places without someone smoking there. Now it is prohibited to smoke in public places in many countries. While the number of smokers is increasing, the number of places they can smoke is declining. Many provinces across Canada as well as the Washington states are making it a law that all restaurants and public areas have to be 100% smoke free (U.s. Environmental). A poll conducted by Washington state today shows that 70 % of participates preferred restaurants  that were smoke-free. Over the after 45 years, smoke-free (Research about cigarette). Everyone is at risk for diseases caused from smoking when they are in public places that are not smoke-free. Even with all the evidences that prove the dangers of smoking, some businesses still look down on banning this behavior (U.s. Environmental). There is no real evidence that proves going smoke-free is bad for the business. In fact, there are many positive outcomes when a business adopts s moke-free policy. For example, maintenance cost decreases when smoke, matches, and cigarette butts are eliminated in places. Also, hardware such as equipments, floors, and furniture last longer, and of course, people’s health is freed from danger (Higher Cigarette taxes). In result, many people have different opinions about smoking. There are many characteristic proving smoke-free places are beneficial for many reasons. The government is also trying different methods to induce people to stop smoking. The great increase in cigarette prices is the main one. They figure that this will stop people not to even start smoking. Many businesses today are changing what was used to be normal in a public area: smoking. Smoke free businesses are becoming more and more common. There is no real evidence that shows that adopting smoke-free policy is harmful to businesses. It helps out the business in many areas such as maintenance. People have different opinions, but researchers prove that smoke-free public areas are good for other people’s health, not just smokers’ health. Eventually one day the society will be 100% smoke free. BIBLOIGRAPHY American Lung Association, â€Å"Cigarette smoking is responsible for an estimated 87% of lung cancer deaths, or seven out of eight† (http://www.lungusa.org/stop-smoking/about-smoking/health-effects/smoking.html) The American Lung Association said, â€Å"Indirect smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals; 200 are poisons and 43 cause of cancer ( http://www.lungusa.org/stop-smoking/about-smoking/facts-figures/general-smoking-facts.html) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indirect smoking is known as the cause of cancer (http://www.epa.gov/smokefree/healtheffects.html) The Lung Association states that when one has emphysema, some of the air sacs in his lungs are damaged (http://www.lungusa.org/lung-disease/emphysema/) The government thinks that the increase of price will protect or even get people to quit smoking, The increase of price will make them think two times about smoking. Quitting will save them money and reduce their financial needs (http://www.aafp.org/online/en/home/publications/news/news-now/health-of-the-public/20090303smoke-tax.html) According to several studies the increase of cigarette taxes is one of the most effective ways to decrease smoking among teenager and adults, These studies show that every 10 percent increase in the price of cigarettes will decrease total cigarette consumption by three to five percent and decrease teenager smoking by about 7% (http://www.tobaccofreekids.org/what_we_do/federal_issues/federal_tobacco_taxes/) Yang6 The increase of cigarette taxes is one of the most effective ways to decrease smoking among teenager and adults(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC539350/) Many provinces across Canada as well as the Washington states are making it a law that all restaurants and public areas have to be 100% smoke free(http://www.city-data.com/forum/politics-other-controversies/99626-positive-effects-non-smoking.html) A poll conducted by Washington states today shows that 70 % of participates preferred restaurants that were smoke-free. Over the after 45 years, smoke-free(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9791529) Even with all the evidences that prove the dangers of smoking, some businesses still look down on banning this behavior (http://www.davehitt.com/facts/banlinksarchive2.html) Hardware such as equipments, floors, and furniture last longer, and of course, people’s health is freed from danger (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/02/10/tech/main6194761.shtml)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Executive Remuneration Analysis of Vodafone

Executive Remuneration Analysis of Vodafone 1. Introduction Executive remuneration is the compensation which company rewards for the executive directors. Since the early 1980s, executive payment increase rapidly. The unjustified increasing of executive remuneration pushes the reform of remuneration policy. The Cadbury code mentioned this problem in the Code of Practice in 1995. Cadbury gives some suggestions to companies about the executive remuneration policy.According to his suggestions, companies should dividend total payment into the basic salary and performance-based bonus, and the remuneration report should publish in the annual reporting every year [1]. In additional, UK government provides the vote right for shareholders to supervise the company’s executive remuneration, it also can force executive directors taking investors’ interest into account when they design the company strategy [2]. The analysis of big companies’ remuneration policy is more emphasi ze by investors and government, especially after the 2008 financial crisis.Investors are paying more attention to whether the executives deserve the high reward. Therefore, the analysis of executive remuneration is more necessary and valuable. Companies in FTSE 100 have the highest market capitalization in UK, and it means the analysis of FTSE 100 companies is most valuable. Vodafone Group, as one of the biggest company in the FTSE 100 companies, has business in almost 70 countries. And the market capitalization is nearly ? 90bn [3]. Last year, Vittorio Calao, the CEO? of Vodafone received around ? 0m for remuneration in fiscal year 2012, which is one of the highest remuneration in the FTSE 100 [4]. Although the executive rewards are higher than others in the FTSE 100, there still are 96. 12% shareholders voting in favour with the Vodafone’s remuneration policy [5]. This raises the question that why there are a huge amount of shareholders convincingly supports their highest r emuneration. This essay analyses the executive remuneration for Vodafone Group. Firstly, it will talk about the remuneration principle. Then the Remuneration Committee will be discussed.This part aims to measure whether the Remuneration Committee according to the UK Corporate Governance Code. The third part will explain the remuneration package of Vodafone Group, both base salary and various bonuses are included. At last, the essay will discuss the rationality of Vodafone’s executive remuneration from the perspectives of remuneration policy itself and the comparison with other companies. 2. Remuneration principle The aim of Vodafone’s executive remuneration is driving executives to achieve the company’s long-term strategic goals by offering an attractive and competitive reward [6].Vodafone wishes to make sure that their executive directors keeping in the highest level in work by providing an attractive payment. For example, a part of rewards are measured by the performance for this year. Therefore, executive directors were given an opportunity to achieve the truly exceptional performance. The remuneration package is determined by Remuneration Committee after Comprehensive consideration. The Remuneration Committee will choose some relevant group of comparators when setting total reward. It makes sure that the executive remuneration policies are considered on a total compensation basis.The comparators are choosing from some basic considerations, which are as follows: 1) top European companies, 2) top UK companies, 3) particularly for scarce skills, and 4) the relevant market in question [6]. These comparators mean that Europe is the major region for business for Vodafone, and the company is original from UK. According to above three principles, the external comparators are consisting by similar size companies, and the European top 25 companies and a few other select companies relevant to the sector.Additionally, the external comparator group do not including the financial companies, such as bank and insurance company. Another important Remuneration principle is that the rewards will related to the performance both long-term and short-term. According to the Annual Report of 2012, performance-based reward account for 70% in the whole remuneration package [6]. Vodafone build a link between executive directors and shareholders by this way, in order to force executive directors think about shareholders’ interest. 3. Remuneration CommitteeAccording to the UK Corporate Governance Code, the Remuneration Committee must include at least three independent non-executive directors [7]. The Remuneration Committee of Vodafone is consisting by independent non-executive directors and running independently in the company. The chairman of Remuneration Committee is Luc Vandevelde, and there are another five members in the Remuneration Committee. All of them are the non-executive directors in company. There also are two external adv isors: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (‘pwc’) and Towers Watson.Pwc is responsible for performance analysis and giving suggestions about company strategy and measuring the performance. It also supports the international business of Vodafone, such as tax, finance, compliance and operations. Another external advisor Towers Watson provides the market data of executive payment to Remuneration Committee. They also manage the pensions and benefit for Vodafone [6]. There are a lot of factors need to be considered by Remuneration Committee when deciding the payment package. Firstly, Remuneration Committee consults the CEO and HR directors’ opinion of the appropriate reward package for executives.Secondly, the external advisors give the Committee another perspective form the external information analysis. They can provide the benchmark of directors’ reward about other similar company on the market. Additionally, Committee also take the company’s strategy into ac count, both long-term and short-term are important. In fiscal year 2012, Remuneration Committee had five meetings to discuss the Short-Term Incentive bonus, Long-Term Incentive plan and basic salary in order to determine the total remuneration packages of the executive directors appropriately [6].Remuneration Committee particularly report four chief executive directors in the Directors’ Remuneration Report, including Chief Executive Vittotio Colao, Chief Financial Officer Andy Halford, Chief Technology Officer Stephen Pusey and Regional CEO Europe Michel Combes, and the reporting also include the reward of non-executive directors. 4. Remuneration package The Vodafone remuneration package is divided into five parts: base salary, Global Short-Term Incentive Plan (‘GSTIP’), Global Long-Term Incentive Plan (‘GLTI’) base awards, Global Long-Term Incentive Plan (‘GLTI’) co-investment matching awards and benefit [6].These parts reflect the remu neration policy of Vodafone which make the executives holing a lot of company shares to align the interest of executive directors and investors. It also obeys the UK Corporate Governance Code that keeping the reward in a level which is attractive and motivate to the directors, and designing the performance- related income based on long-term strategy. Base salary aims to attract and retain the best talents. It reflects the directors’ level of skill, experience and the responsibility in Vodafone. In fiscal year 2012, Committee decided the base salary stay at the same level with 2011[6].Global (‘GSTIP’) measure the performance in this financial year with the short- term financial and non- financial target, and the GSTIP is paid in cash in June 2013. The related performance is service revenue (25%), EBITDA (25%), adjusted free cash flow (20%) and competitive performance assessment (30%). This bonus can flow from 0-200% of base salary, and it reward 93. 4% of target f or financial year 2012[6]. Global Long-Term Incentive Plan (‘GLTI’) is consist of performance shares which award every year and vest three years later to force directors on the Vodafone’s long-term strategy.The vesting of performance shares is determined by the adjusted free cash flow and relative TSR performance. Both operational performance and external performance are included in the two measures in GLTI. The target GLTI face value of CEO is 137. 5% for basic salary, and 110% for other directors. In this year, executive directors was rewarded the vesting the shares of 2008 fiscal year at 30. 6% of maximum [6]. Global Long-Term Incentive Plan (‘GLTI’) co-investment matching awards means that executive directors can purchase Vodafone normal shares and turning them to performance shares after holding three years.Benefit is the pension scheme for the executive director and other benefit such as company car and private medical insurance. 5. Analysis of the director remuneration Figure 1 Total remuneration for 2012 (based on Vodafone 2012 Annual Report) The Figure 1 shows the detail of the total remuneration for fiscal year 2012 including a value for GLTI payment. Without the GLTI vesting during this year, Vodafone actually paid 30. 35m pounds to CEO Colao, 19. 27m pounds to CFO Halford, 21m pounds to Europe region CEO Combes, and 14. 08m pounds for CTO Pusey [6].The Figure 1 illustrates that all the four chief executive directors’ incomes are increasing except the CTO Pusey. Although the total rewards were general increased, GSTIP for fiscal year 2012 was decreasing. In the meanwhile, salary and cash in lieu of pension were keeping in the similar level with last year. Therefore, the increasing of total remuneration was due to the significant increasing of the item cash in lieu of GLTI dividends. During the fiscal year 2012, the Global Short-Term Incentive was deduct from last year. The total actual short term incentive pay ment was 93. %, while the target payment is 100% and the maximum payment is 200% for the basic salary [6]. According to the remuneration policy of Vodafone, GSTIP is influenced by the performance for this year. There are four indicates to measure the GSTIP: service revenue, EBITDA, adjusted free cash flow and competitive performance assessment. According to the 2012 annual report, the service revenue slightly increased to 46. 4bn pounds, which was just arrival the target performance [6]. However, the EBITAD and adjust free cash flow were cut down, especially the adjust free cash flow.Because of the loss of China Mobile Limited and the dividends of SFR, the actual pay-out percentage for adjust free cash flow is 8. 5, while the target performance is 20% in the whole GSTIP [6]. The policy of GSTIP is related to both the financial and non-financial performance in this year in order to measure the executive short-term performance in a rational way. The target performance is not only base d on the Vodafone’s strategy and past operation, but also taking the long-term strategy into account. Figure 2 Adjust free cash flow target and range for awards Based on Vodafone 2012 Annual Report) Figure 3 GLTI award for 2008 & 2009 (based on Vodafone 2012 Annual Report) Opposite the reducing of DSTIP, cash for Global Long-Term Incentive Plan is significant increase. The GLTI is determined by adjust free cash flow and the TSR outperformance of a peer group median. These two indicators consist a matrix in order to measure the internal operational performance and external performance. The long-term operation cycle is three years which means the target performance of financial year 2012 was settled in 2010.According to Figure 2, the target for 2012 is 18bn pounds, while the actual adjusted free cash flow for 2012 was 20. 9bn pounds [6]. Another important measure is the TSR performance. The figure 3 shows that Vodafone’s TSR was outperformance than the peer group which c onstitute by the similar size companies. The TSR performance increasing by 18. 5% in 2012, and exceed the target number. Therefore, the TSR performance for 2012 was paid by 100% of maximum to executive directors, while there is only 30% in 2011.Figure 4 Five year historical TSR performance (based on Vodafone 2012 Annual Report) Table 1 Comparison of Vodafone & BT Group (Base on [6] [8] [9] [10]) 201220112010 CEO Reward ?000Total Revenue ?bnCEO Reward ?000Total Revenue ?bnCEO Reward ?000Total Revenue ?bn Vodafone303546. 46282645. 88266844. 47 BT Group250518. 90235920. 1210520. 1 To compare with other similar size companies in UK, figure 4 reflects the Vodafone TSR performance compare with the average level of FSTE 100. From this figure, it indicates that Vodafone’s TSR performance is higher than the average level of FSTE 100.It means that the Vodafone Group is in a better operation situation among FSTE 100 companies. Therefore, it is reasonable that Vodafone’s executive remuneration is higher than the similar size companies. Additionally, the comparison in Table 1 is shown in similar result. BT Group is another strong competitor of Vodafone in UK telecommunication industry. The numbers in table 1 are published in the annual report for the two companies from 2010 to 2012. The total revenue of Vodafone is basically twice as much as BT Group, while the difference between the CEO remuneration is just around ? m in the three years. Through above analysis, Vodafone remuneration is in a rational level, and it is corresponding to its operation performance. 6. Conclusion All in all, Vodafone executive remuneration is acceptable and in a rational level. It not only reflects the operation performance but also obey the rules of UK Corporate Governance Code. The executive remuneration is setting by an independent remuneration committee which consist by five non-executive directors and two external advisors.The remuneration report is published by Remuneration C ommittee in Vodafone’s Annual Report. The remuneration package divide into base salary, Global Short-Term Incentive Plan (‘GSTIP’), Global Long-Term Incentive Plan (‘GLTI’) base awards, Global Long-Term Incentive Plan (‘GLTI’) co-investment matching awards and benefit. Through these five parts, executive reward is related to performance and the investor interest, and can help executives focusing on company’s strategy. Therefore, Vodafone executive remuneration can be seen as a good example in executive remuneration policy.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Human Trafficking Essay

Human trafficking is a very prevalent issue in today’s societies throughout the world. Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor. The extremely high demand for sex and cheap labor are two of the leading factors in the expansion of human trafficking. Despite efforts from various individuals and organizations, millions and millions of men and women are illegally traded each year. Many agree that human trafficking is a horrific injustice but fail to acknowledge the underlying conditions that enable the growth of this industry. The various reasons most individuals fail to think deeper than the surface issues to address the underlying issues are discussed in depth in The Sociological Imagination by C.Wrighr Mills. Until the underlying issues are acknowledged and corrected, more and more humans will be illegally traded. According to The Sociological Imagination, many problems of society are overlooked because the issues do not directly impact the individual’s life. Many individuals do not make the connection between their own life and the big picture, in this case the relevance of human trafficking. They fail to see that although human trafficking may not directly impact one’s life, the illegal trade of humans may indirectly impact their life. The humans illegally traded, not only face sexual and labor exploitation but many are forced into marriage. Others are forced to become street beggars or child soldiers. In some of the worst cases the humans trafficked are killed and their organs are sold on the organ black market. Individuals not aware of these alternate forms of human trafficking usually fail to see how common it is and do not see the indirect impact human trafficking may have on their life. Another condition enabling the construction and expansion of human trafficking on the global scale are the efforts to stop human trafficking are being concentrated on the wrong principles. Organizations like SafeHorizon, Called to Rescue, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women and Deborah’s Gate all focus on rescuing individuals from trafficking or helping individuals assimilate back into society after being trafficked. I acknowledge these are very useful tactics but these organizations are only addressing the victims after they have been traumatized instead of addressing the underlying issues of why there is human trafficking and developing ways to prevent it. Some of their efforts should be transferred to implementing procedures or strategies that prevent individuals from becoming victims instead of for after they become victims. The corruption of government officials and police force in countries where human trafficking is most prominent, also play a large role in the growth and expansion of human trafficking in certain regions. Bribes are taken so certain businesses are not investigated or raided. These businesses are known to illegally trade human beings but they are allowed to continue their illegal actions. Authorities are aware certain individuals are partaking in human trafficking but merely look the other way. Until this changes or the corrupt government officials and police officers are removed from power, the number of humans illegally traded will continue to rapidly grow. But even honest government officials and police officers face difficultly in combating human trafficking. Human trafficking is such a lucrative business because of the high demand for sex that even when authorities are able to apprehend individuals who are trading humans illegally, new individuals pop up and pick up where they left off. Another obstacle authorities face is that many individuals who are involved in human trafficking operate at such a small scale, it is very difficult to know about their actions. Numerous individuals illegal trade humans in small rural homes or small businesses and keep their actions very discrete. Authorities trying to end human trafficking face almost insurmountable odds. The Sociological Imagination touched on the idea that individuals feel trapped by the problems of today. They are unable to look beyond the immediate troubles and issues. Humans are too consumed with the struggles off everyday life to invest time in correcting large-scale social injustices. Individuals feel as if their vision and powers are limited to the smaller scale of their jobs, family and neighborhood. This idea is another condition enabling the construction and expansion of human trafficking on a global scale. If one feels as if they are powerless and cannot change or do not have the time to change large scale issues, then change is not brought about. One individual can make change no matter how big or small the injustice they are trying to combat is. Until one internalizes and begins to believe they can make a difference, their efforts usually are consumed by irreverent problems of everyday life. Another condition enabling the construction and expansion of human trafficking is that many individuals are distracted from the larger social injustices. The media chooses which stories to shed light upon and in turn decide the importance of issues. If an individual is exposed to the same story numerous times, they are inclined to believe that story is more relevant and important than a story that receives less coverage. Some forms of media purposely give more coverage to celebrity drama or irreverent issues to distract individuals from the larger issues. The larger issues can more easily be swept under the rug if â€Å"the people† are not addressing them. If the horrors and alarming statistics of human trafficking where displayed in the media more often, people would be more inclined to correct the conditions that enable the construction and expansion of human trafficking. The Sociological Imagination opened my mind to the conditions that prevent individuals from dealing with the troubles and issues that matter. Individuals are seldom aware of the intricate connections between the patterns of their own lives and the course of the world. Because they do not make this connection most individuals cannot cope with their personal troubles in an efficient enough way to be aware of the structural transformations that lie beneath them. Sociological Imagination is having the ability to grasp reality by putting everything into perspective to make sense of the non-sense by thinking below the surface. Until more individuals possess this sociological imagination, things will not change.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Foundation Week Story Essay

What is Foundation week? Other students celebrate it by not going to school because for them it’s the time of their rest day but other students celebrate it by going to school and hanging out with their friends. As students of College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, we celebrate Foundation week by making ourselves busy. On September 22, 2014, Monday, the programme starts with the Cultural Competition and due to our Anatomy Class we’re not able to watch the competition, on the afternoon, the search for MR. and MS. Batangas State University starts. At the end of the competition, MR. Malvar and MS. CEAFA got the title for MR. and MS. BSU 2014. On the Second day of the Foundation Week, September 23, 2014, Tuesday, the programme starts with the opening talk of the University President Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo, on the same day we perform our Bench Yell and Launched the newest symbol of valor, â€Å"The Red Spartans† , the University’s official mascot which designed by Mr. John Jeffrey Alcantara were â€Å"The Red Spartans† define the values of BatStateU; Unity, courage, and excellence. After that event we start our cooking for our Booth in the Students Fair, the third year BSND are the assigned in cooking, while second year students serves as their helping hands. On September 24, 2014, Wednesday, we need to go to school early for us to end up early our cooking session. On the same day, the opening of intramurals and cheerdance competition held, and due to our cooking we’re not able to watch the competition and according to other students who witnessed the competition, the Main Campus got the title. On September 25, 2014, Thursday, we started the day by cooking for our booth and end up the day by cleaning our booth. On September 26, 2014, Friday, Last day of the Foundation week, we started the day same as we started last Thursday, before the day ended up, the judges decided who has the best booth, and the College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences won the title. With the theme: â€Å"BatStateU @ 111: Gearing for the ASEAN Challenge of Excellence† , Foundation Week ended up successfully yet stressful but it helps us, the students, to apply what we are learning.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Comparison essay on rock vs rap Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comparison on rock vs rap - Essay Example Thus the hybrid forms arrived; later rock 'n' roll incorporated Country and Western, Swing, Classical, Big Band, Folk, and even Tin Pan Alley musical elements. By the 1940s, the term was used as a double entendre, referring to dancing, but with the hidden subtextual meaning of sex (it's Roy Brown's 'Good Rocking Tonight'), that was usually related to 'race music' and was rarely heard by white audiences. [Townsend, 2001] Rock appeared at a time when racial tensions in the United States came to their surface, as a combination of elements of white and black music. On March 21, 1952 in Cleveland, Alan Freed (Moondog) organized the first rock and roll concert, titled 'The Moondog Coronation Ball'. By the end of the decade it had spread throughout the world. The 'Fabulous Fifties' were the Happy Days of rock. In the late 1970s new forms of music, particularly punk rock and rap and hip-hop (in the late 1980s) emerged to fill the shocking and offending role of music in society. The influence of rap started in the Jamaica, then New York City, eventually getting to the west coast. [Hagar, 1984] Rap music, rooted in the tradition of Afro-American storytelling, it the early 1980's was popular among black people, and less acceptable among whites. Rap and hip-hop is a culture, a way of life for a society of people who identify, love and cherish rap music, break dancing, DJing and graffiti. It started with Jamaican born DJ Kool Herc who moved to New York in the late 1960's and brought the Jamaican tradition of 'toasting' which involved improvised rhymes over instrumental sections of reggae records. This trend became popular at discos, where the presence of MC was obligatory. Grand Wizard Theodore was the first DJ to scratch. Gangsta rap as the most controversial style of the rap music genre, originated in New York in the late 1970s. In the early 1980s go go, emerged as a reaction against disco, mixed with hip hop, and it developed in a more complex form. In the 90s it became mainstream, beginning with the release of Dr.Dre's 'The Chronic' (1992). From 1997 with Bad Boy Records it began to be merged with teen pop, when Eminem, Jay-Z and Nelly became very popular. [Nelson, 2000] 2. Music Lyrics Rock as a from of music usually features vocals (often with vocal harmony), electric guitars and strong back beat. Other instruments, such as the saxophone, are very common in its some styles. Early rock and roll combined elements of blues, boogie woogie, jazz, rhythm and blues, and was influenced by traditional Appalachian folk music, gospel and country and western. Bill Haley and His Comets' 'Rock Around the Clock', released in 1954, became a smash, the best selling record of the entire year across America and then in England; Bo Diddley's album, released early 1955, 'perked up the ears of many young listeners'. The Platters' 'Only You', released mid-1955, was totally preferred by teenagers in the fifties; Chuck Berry's 'Maybellene', recorded May 1955, indicated how 'rapidly things were changing'; Little Richard's 'Tutti Frutti', recorded September 1955, 'still hold its own against the hardest hitting rock of any era'; Carl Perkins' 'Blue Suede Shoes' (Dec 1955), and Elvis Presley' s 'Heartbreak Hotel' created the real rock 'n' roll revolution. [Townsend, 2001] Sixties are know by Dylan's records

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Analysis of The Best Man Film Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of The Best Man Film - Research Paper Example They are a perfect way for humans to connect emotionally, communicate between each other, and highlight evil and good incidents in the society. Stories enable societies to pass important virtues, history through generations, and build strong relations. Stories are powerful tools, which if well narrated can posses enormous power that establishes a profound connection with the audience. Connecting with the audience is a crucial aspect in storytelling, which moves and creates lasting memories in the audience. Telling a compelling story is the sure way of ensuring that people do not forget the story. This is because the feelings and emotions from a superb story are inerasable. The Best Man film is an example of a compelling story, narrated in the form of a movie. It achieved this quality through the various aspects, which include proper selection of setting, themes, cinematography and directing. Perhaps, the producers achieved this through properly identifying a particular audience, thei r profound goal, and the particular message the writer wants to pass across. The best man film capitalizes on these aspects to bring out a superb connection with its audience. To start with, the film uses real-life characters to communicate with its audience. This is a realization that stories in films are about people. People are what the audience connects with, and the film achieves this goal using characters, which the audience appreciate and connect with completely. The directors of the film further, in the cinematography, exploit the use of characters to speak their story themselves. Through this way, the piece becomes relatable and personalized, which makes the film authentic and captivating. To keep the audience connected to the story and avoid boring them, ‘The Best Man’ creates suspense throughout its narration. The characters constantly stir up emotions by bringing out issues that the society highly appreciates. Throughout the film, the use of clear meaning an d direction provides a clear meaning and decisive moment. These entirely enable the movie to create cathartic moments with the end of each episode. This of course, leaves the audience craving for the next episode. The film does not leave out the theme either. The setting is in a society that is traditionally renowned to be romantic, a factor that captivates a sense of authenticity of the entire action. Filmsettings are an important area of concern for movie producers. The setting in the film affects its cinematography. In the production of any movie, there are things that are not possible to shoot both in full scale and in real time. Others come with an unacceptable expense in terms of time and money. Special effect is the domain of showing the impossible or impractical: the art of making things appear to have happened. Production effects, including mechanical, are those that producers can stage during the principal or second-unit photography; the crew can photograph in one pass usi ng unmodified cameras. Special photographic effects, often referred to as special effect cinematography, employ photographic techniques to achieve their illusion. They may call for modified production camera, a special process camera (used in optical printing houses and laboratories rather than on a set), unconventional lighting, fixed and travelling matters, bi-pack and optical printing. They also require unusual degree of creative resourcefulness. Because of the extreme care and precision required, a separate unit working at its own pace, without tying up production personnel and full-scale production sets, handles special effect cinematography. However, the most important reason why producers consign

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Portrait of Leonilla Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn Assignment - 1

Portrait of Leonilla Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn - Assignment Example In 1841, he was summoned by Queen Victoria to the English court. After painting Queen Victoria in 1842, he returned several times to paint the expansive royal family doing at least 120 works, including a painting commissioned by the Queen which would be given to Prince Albert as a birthday present. Winterhalter painted most of Europe’s royalty (Belgium, France, and England) and the leading aristocracy. His artistic pieces became widely regarded through copies and reproductions.1 Winterhalter did not receive high praise from serious critics. However, his portraits were admired for their sensual nature. His fame among the royals and aristocratic clients was as a result of his ability to create a painting that his clients wanted to display. In 1843, Winterhalter was commissioned to paint Princess Leonilla’s portrait. The Russian-born Princess Leonilla (1816-1918), one of Winterhalter’s royal clients’ was married to Prince Ludwig Aldof Friedrich, the same year she was painted. In 1833, she sat for Winterhalter for an oval portrait that featured her shadowed face, contrasting dark hair and opaline skin, and magnificent pearls. He also painted her again in 1849.2 However, it is the Portrait of Leonilla, Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn that overshadows all her paintings. Winterhalter uses an art style known as Romanticism, in which he ‘humanizes’ his clients, by painting with a more objective view of his subject’s features and bringing out their unique beauty.3 In a daring pose, similar to the scenes of harem and odalisques, the portrait lies on a low sofa set on a balcony overlooking lush tropical scenery. Her unassailable social strata made it possible for Winterhalter to utilize such a carnal pose for a large portrait. Recognized for her glowing beauty and intellect, Leonilla is resplendent in a frill dress of ivory silk with a pink sash on her midriff. A deep purple veil folds

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Managing the marketing process of Jims Cleaning Essay

Managing the marketing process of Jims Cleaning - Essay Example According to the study conducted an organisation orientation consists of production, product, selling, and marketing. If these four segments are not available, an organisation does not exist. Therefore, the marketing process is managed by the top marketing professionals. The top marketing professionals manage the marketing process by analyzing the market trends and market structure, absorbing the opportunities from the environment, developing the effective strategies, planning, implementing and controlling the marketing strategies and functions, and finally measuring the business efficacy to evaluate on how well the marketing process is managed by the top marketers. Jim’s Cleaning is the leading organisation that has been used in this assignment for analyzing its business effectiveness, marketing approaches, marketing strategies, and its business and market metric in which it operates. The effectiveness of the business can be measured by evaluating the performance of an organi sation. The effectiveness of business is measured in terms of business profitability and business performance increased or decreased due to marketing activities. Marketing mix and customers are the two tools that must be accurately managed by the top marketers for managing and aligning the marketing activities together to achieve productive results. Marketing activities need to be according to the market segment and also according to the lifestyles of the market segment. A marketer must ensure that the goods and services must be available to the customers and a clear message should be communicated to them. Jim’s Cleaning is a well known company in Australia that has a numbers of franchises in various countries. It is regarded as the most profitable company that provides wide range of cleaning services to customers (Jim’s Cleaning Group). Following are some of the significant tools that measure the business effectiveness of Jim’s Cleaning. Managing 7 P’s t hrough 4 C’s for Business Profitability It is commonly known that marketing is a game and there are 7 P’s of marketing; product, price, placement, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence. These 7 P’s are the tools that are needed for playing the game between the buyers and the sellers. Customers need to be catered in terms of all marketing aspects so that they prove to be highly profitable for the business. Buyers and sellers exchange values for satisfaction that results in profitability. Product, price, placement, and promotion are the traditional P’s used for goods, whereas, people, process, and physical evidence are the extensions used for services. If these 7 P’s are properly managed by the marketers through the use of 4 C’s, it means an organisation is working and managing the marketing activities effectively that results in the increased profitability, growth, and market value of an organisation. Customer Solution: Customer s olution is related with the first P that is product. The top marketers search for the problem of the customers, identifies the problem, create solutions (goods or services) for the solving the problem, communicate the message to the customers about the goods or services, and finally delivers the value to the customers for satisfying their needs (Armstrong and Kotler, 82). Jim’s Cleaning provides cleaning solutions for homes and offices. It provides wide ra